From A to Z-itrix: Setting up the most stable and fastest HCL Notes client on Citrix (feat. MarvelClient)



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Notes on Citrix. You wanted it to make life so much easier for you and your end-users. Turns out, your life’s not as easy as you hoped. The way forward is full of pitfalls. Correctly configuring and installing the client is only the first hurdle. The bad user experience from having to run Notes from a data directory on a network drive is the next. Slow client start times and a laggy UI appear to be the price you have to pay.
But don’t despair! You’ll shortly have a grip on all those issues!
In this webinar, we will walk you through all the steps you need to install and configure the perfect Notes client on Citrix. Installation command lines, NotesShareClasses,, stub-notes.ini, config-file, and more – all covered in detail. You’ll see how you can use MarvelClient Roaming to vastly improve start times and UI performance in all areas. Imagine having the benefits of centralized installation with everything on network drives combined with the performance of a locally installed client!
At the end of this session, you’ll have in your hands the definitive recipe for Notes on Citrix success. What are you waiting for? It’s time you and your end-users started living the good life.

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