Upgrade to Notes 11 in under 2 minutes: Clean, seamless, and in a single step



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Read our Webinar Slides on Slideshare.

You know how keeping your Notes installations up-to-date is not easy. New client versions come out every year now, and fix- or feature packs every few months. Your life is even more difficult if you must deal with multiple client versions with different configurations in non-standard directories and varying operation systems and versions. Don’t even think about single- vs multi-user, language packs, permission issues, full disks, distributing the installer, training end-users, etc… You’ve seen it before, and you know how all this can make Notes upgrade projects hard and costly. It doesn’t have to be that way. Not anymore!

By attending this webinar, you will learn how MarvelClient Upgrade can take care of all those details for you. You’ll see how cheap, easy and fast your upgrade projects can be.

Afterward, you’ll be able to use the Upgrade Wizard to create the perfect upgrade configuration. With it, your upgrades will be done in under two minutes and your end-users won’t have to do a thing! Think of it. In under 2 minutes, you and your end-users will be enjoying the latest version of Notes along with a clean, standardized installation. In addition, you’ll have the tools and know-how to easily keep it that way in the future.

Why not take the first step towards easier upgrades today!

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